Alluxio Namespace and Under File System Namespaces

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Alluxio enables effective data management across different storage systems. Alluxio provides a unified view of all data sources. Alluxio achieves this by using a mount table to map paths in Alluxio to those storage systems.

We use the term “Under File System (UFS)” for a storage system managed and cached by Alluxio. Alluxio is built on top of the storage layer, providing cache speed-up and various other data management functionalities. Therefore, those storage systems are “under” the Alluxio layer.

A user “mounts” a UFS to an Alluxio path. The example below illustrates how a user mounts an S3 bucket and a GCS bucket to Alluxio.

Alluxio Namespace

The mount table for the example above will look like:

Alluxio Paths       UFS Paths
=================== =========================
/s3/                s3://bucketA/data/
/hdfs/              hdfs://

Configuring the Mount Table

Alluxio supports using ETCD to store the mount table information. By storing the mount table in ETCD, all Alluxio processes (clients, workers, etc.) will read ETCD for the mount table information.

To use ETCD as the mount table backend, add the following configurations to

alluxio.etcd.endpoints=<connection URI of ETCD cluster>

Set alluxio.etcd.endpoints to be the list of instances in the ETCD cluster, e.g.

# Typically an ETCD cluster has at least 3 nodes, for high availability

ETCD is required to be running when Alluxio processes start to initialize the mount table. Subsequently they will regularly poll ETCD for updates on the mount table. The poll interval is specified by the configuration below in

# By default a poll happens every 3s

In a large cluster with thousands of Alluxio clients and hundreds of Alluxio workers, you may want to use a larger interval to reduce the pressure on ETCD. If your mount table is seldom updated, feel free to use a much larger interval like 30s or more.

Mount Table Operations

Add or remove mount points using the Alluxio command line:

# Add a new mount point
$ bin/alluxio mount add --path /s3/ --ufs-uri s3://bucketA/data/
Mounted ufsPath=s3://bucketA/data to alluxioPath=/s3 with 0 options

# Remove an existing mount point
$ bin/alluxio mount remove --path /s3/
Unmounted /s3 from Alluxio.

List the mount table using the bin/alluxio mount list command:

$ bin/alluxio mount list
Listing all mount points
s3a://data/                                                    on  /s3/    properties={}
file:///tmp/underFSStorage/                                    on  /local/ properties={}

Note: It takes a little while for all Alluxio components to reload the updated mount table from ETCD. The time depends on

Configuring for UFS

Alluxio processes will need configurations specific to the UFS in order to correctly access it, most notably security credentials.

Use the same configurations for all mount points

You can leave all the UFS configurations in and Alluxio will use those configurations for all mount points of that UFS type. For example:

# Configure the S3 credentials for all mount points
s3.accessKeyId=<S3 ACCESS KEY>
s3.secretKey=<S3 SECRET KEY>

# Configure the HDFS configurations for all mount points

All mount points will use the same S3 credentials and HDFS configurations. This is the simplest way to configure Alluxio for mount points if all UFS of the corresponding type can use the same configuration. It is the simplest way to manage all configuration properties in one file.

Use different configurations for different mount points

It is common that a user may want to use different configurations for different mount points. For example, if a user has two mount points to S3-flavor paths, one backed by AWS S3 and the other backed by MinIO, they will need to use different credentials and endpoints for each mount point.

Alluxio Paths       UFS Paths
=================== ===========================
/s3-images          s3://bucketA/data/images
/minio-tables       s3://bucketB/data/tables

You can specify mount options while you add a new mount point.

$ bin/alluxio mount add --path /s3/ --ufs-uri s3://<S3_BUCKET>/ \ 
  --option s3.accessKeyId=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY> --option s3.secretKey=<AWS_SECRET_KEY> \
  --option alluxio.underfs.s3.endpoint= \
  --option alluxio.underfs.s3.region=us-east-1

In this way, you specify configuration properties for this specific mount point.

Note: If you specify mount options in the command line, please remove those configuration options from the file to avoid confusion as the mount options will take precendence.

To update mount options for an existing mount point, it must be first unmounted and then mounted again with the updated options.

$ bin/alluxio mount remove --path /s3/ --ufs-uri s3://<S3_BUCKET>/

$ bin/alluxio mount add --path /s3/ --ufs-uri s3://<S3_BUCKET>/ \ 
  --option s3.accessKeyId=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY> --option s3.secretKey=<AWS_SECRET_KEY> \
  --option alluxio.underfs.s3.endpoint= \
  --option alluxio.underfs.s3.region=us-west-2


Example: Multiple heterogenous mounts

Let’s look at a more complicated mount table example.

Alluxio Paths       UFS Paths
=================== ===========================================
/s3-images          s3://my-bucket/data/images
/s3-tables          s3://my-bucket/data/tables
/hive-data          hdfs://
/presto-data        hdfs://

The mount table from the example above consists of 4 entries. The first column is the paths of mount points in Alluxio namespace and the second column lists the corresponding UFS paths that are mounted on Alluxio.

The first mount entry defines a mapping from an S3 path s3://my-bucket/data/images to an Alluxio path /s3-images. Any objects with the S3 prefix s3://my-bucket/data/images will be available under the Alluxio directory /s3-images. For example, s3://my-bucket/data/images/collections/20240101/sample.png can be found at Alluxio path /s3-images/collections/20240101/sample.png.

The second mount entry defines a mapping from an S3 path s3://my-bucket/data/tables to an Alluxio path /s3-tables. The UFS path is actually from the same bucket as the first mount entry. As this example shows, users may freely choose parts of their UFS namespaces to mount to Alluxio.

The third and fourth entries define mappings between the Alluxio paths /hive and /presto to two directories in the same HDFS, hdfs:// and hdfs:// respectively. Similarly, files and directories under the two HDFS directory trees will be available at their corresponding Alluxio paths. For example, hdfs:// becomes /hive/schema/table/part1.parquet in Alluxio namespace.

Mount Table Rules

A few rules must be followed when defining mount points in Alluxio.

Rule 1. Mount directly under root path /

A mount point in Alluxio MUST be a direct child of the root path /. For example, /s3-images, /hive and /presto are valid mount points. The root path /, is just a virtual node in Alluxio namespace. It does NOT map to any UFS path.

# This is invalid, you cannot mount to the root path directly
/          s3://my-bucket/

# This is invalid, a mount point can only be directly under /
/s3-images/dataset1   s3://my-bucket/data/images/dataset1

# This is valid
/s3-images   s3://my-bucket/data/images/dataset1

Rule 2. No nested mount points

Mount points cannot be nested. The Alluxio path of one mount point cannot be under the Alluxio path of another mount point. Similarly, the UFS path of one mount cannot be under the UFS path of another mount point.

# Suppose we have this mount point
/data     s3://bucket/data

# This new mount point is invalid -- the Alluxio path is under an existing mount point
/data/hdfs     hdfs://host:port/data

# This is also invalid -- the UFS path is under an existing mount point
/images   s3://bucket/data/images