Cache Free

Slack Docker Pulls

Cache Free Overview

The free operation provides options to force data eviction to manually manage cache space.

Freeing Cache Space via Command Line

Usage: bin/alluxio job free [flags]

  • Submit a free job:
    $ {ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio job free --path s3://bucket/path --submit
  • View the progress a free job:
    $ {ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio job free --path s3://alluxio/path --progress
    Progress for Free path file 's3://alluxio/path':
      Job Id: b21ce9fb-f332-4d39-8bb4-554f9a4fa601
      Job Submitted: Fri Feb 02 21:28:56 CST 2024
      Job path: s3://alluxio/path
      Job State: SUCCEEDED, finished at Fri Feb 02 21:29:01 CST 2024
      Free Info :	totalFile:4 totalByte:3072.00KB
      Free Files Failed: 0
      Free Bytes Failed: 0B
      Free Files Succeeded: 4
      Free Bytes Succeeded: 3072.00KB
  • Stop and interrupt a running free job: Note this will leave some files remaining in the cache
    $ {ALLUXIO_HOME}/bin/alluxio job free --path s3://alluxio/path --stop
    Parameter Description:
    --path [all] the ufs path
    --batch-size [submit] The speed of free files per second per worker
    --force [submit] Trigger free even if some workers are offline
    --verbose [progress] Verbose output
    --format string [progress] Format of output, either TEXT or JSON (default "TEXT")

Freeing Cache Space via REST API

  • Submit a free job:
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -X POST http://host:19999/api/v1/master/submit_job/free -d '{
      "path": "s3://alluxio/path",
      "options": {
      "batchSize": "200"
  • View the progress of a free job:
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -X GET http://host:19999/api/v1/master/progress_job/free -d '{
      "path": "s3://alluxio/path",
      "format": "JSON",
      "verbose": "true"
  • Stop and interrupt a running free job: Note this will leave some files remaining in the cache
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -X POST http://host:19999/api/v1/master/stop_job/free -d '{
      "path": "s3://alluxio/path"